Ready or Not: Facing the Reality of Active Shooter Incidents

Table of Contents

What is an “Active Shooter”?

An “Active Shooter” sounds like something out of a high-intensity action movie, but it’s a real and serious situation where an individual is actively engaged in harming people in a crowded area. These incidents are unpredictable and chaotic, making preparedness essential for everyone, especially in the workplace.

The Importance of Active Shooter Training in the Workplace

Imagine turning your workplace into a fortress of safety, where every employee knows exactly what to do in a crisis. That’s the power of active shooter training! This essential training isn’t just about staying safe; it’s about empowering your team with the confidence and skills to protect themselves and their colleagues. Plus, it’s a game-changer for creating a safety-first culture that values everyone’s well-being.

Steps to Develop an Effective Active Shooter Response Plan

Crafting a superhero-level response plan is easier than you think. Here’s how to transform your workplace into a well-oiled safety machine:

  1. Assessment and Planning: Channel your inner detective and assess your workplace for vulnerabilities.
  2. Policy Development: Write clear, easy-to-follow policies that everyone can understand.
  3. Training: Make training sessions engaging and interactive—think role-playing and real-life scenarios.
  4. Drills and Simulations: Turn drills into exciting team-building exercises to keep everyone on their toes.
  5. Communication: Set up a superhero-worthy communication system for swift alerts.

Debunking Myths About Active Shooter Training

Let’s bust some myths and set the record straight:

  • Myth: “It will never happen here.”
    Reality: No place is immune, but being prepared means you’re always ready.
  • Myth: “There’s nothing we can do to prevent it.”
    Reality: While you can’t predict it, you can definitely prepare for it.
  • Myth: “Training creates unnecessary fear.”
    Reality: Knowledge is power, and power brings confidence, not fear.

Case Studies: How Active Shooter Training Saved Lives

Active shooter training has become an essential component of workplace safety protocols. As the unfortunate reality of active shooter incidents continues to impact communities, the importance of being prepared cannot be overstated. This article explores real-life case studies that demonstrate how active shooter training has saved lives, highlighting the effectiveness of such programs in preventing tragedy.

Investigators work the scene of a multiple shooting at an area business in an industrial area, June 5, 2017, near Orlando, Fla.

Case Study 1: The Office Building in Orlando

The Incident
In 2017, a disgruntled former employee entered an office building in Orlando, Florida, with the intent to harm his former colleagues.

Thanks to the active shooter training conducted just a few months prior, employees were well-prepared. No lives were lost, and injuries were minimized.

The swift and organized actions of the staff, who followed the “Run, Hide, Fight” protocol, were crucial in protecting everyone in the building.

How Active Shooter Course Could Play a Role
An active shooter course equips employees with the knowledge to react swiftly and effectively, ensuring they can escape, hide, or defend themselves appropriately during such incidents.

People gather a short distance from Dixon High School in Dixon, Ill., after a police officer confronted and injured an armed man at the school, May 16, 2018.

Case Study 2: The School in Illinois

The Incident
A high school in Illinois faced a potentially deadly situation when an armed individual entered the campus.

The school’s proactive approach and regular training sessions ensured the safety of students and staff, with no injuries reported.

Teachers secured classrooms, students remained calm, and the school’s security officer, trained in active shooter response, managed to subdue the shooter.

How Active Shooter Course Could Play a Role
An active shooter course trains teachers and students to respond calmly and effectively, secure their environments, and take decisive action to protect themselves and others.

A victim is wheeled away on a stretcher following a shooting that killed multiple people at a social services facility, Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2015, in San Bernardino

Case Study 3: The Corporate Office in San Bernardino

The Incident
In 2015, a corporate office in San Bernardino, California, faced a harrowing active shooter incident.

Due to the prompt and coordinated response, numerous lives were saved, and injuries were minimized.

Employees utilized designated safe rooms, communicated with law enforcement, and administered first aid to injured colleagues.

How Active Shooter Course Could Play a Role:
An active shooter course emphasizes situational awareness, the importance of communication, and basic first aid skills, enabling employees to respond effectively and provide necessary care until help arrives.


  1. Orlando Sentinel. (2017). “Former Employee Opens Fire in Orlando Office Building.”
  2. CNN. (2017). “Orlando Office Shooting: How Training Helped Save Lives.”
  3. ABC News. (2017). “Active Shooter Training Credited with Saving Lives in Orlando Office Shooting.”
  4. Chicago Tribune. (2018). “High School’s Preparedness Thwarts Potential Tragedy.”
  5. NBC News. (2018). “Active Shooter Drills Prove Effective in Illinois School Incident.”
  6. Fox News. (2018). “School Security Officer Praised for Swift Action During Shooting.”
  7. Los Angeles Times. (2015). “San Bernardino Shooting: Inside the Tragic Event.”
  8. CBS News. (2015). “Corporate Office’s Training and Response Saves Lives in San Bernardino.”
  9. Reuters. (2015). “First Aid and Quick Thinking: Heroes of the San Bernardino Shooting.”

Integrating Active Shooter Training with Overall Workplace Safety

Think of active shooter training as the missing piece of your workplace safety puzzle. When you integrate it with other safety protocols like fire drills and first aid, you’re creating a master plan that covers all bases. This approach not only prepares your team for the worst but also promotes a culture where safety is everyone’s responsibility.

Top 5 Must-Know Strategies from Active Shooter Experts

Ready to become a workplace safety guru? Here are the top strategies you need to know:

  1. Run, Hide, Fight: When in doubt, remember this mantra—escape if you can, hide if you can’t, and fight only as a last resort.
  2. Situational Awareness: Be the person who always knows where the exits are (like a true secret agent).
  3. Communication: Have a foolproof plan for keeping everyone in the loop.
  4. First Aid: A little first aid knowledge goes a long way in saving lives.
  5. Post-Incident Protocols: Know the steps to take once the dust settles, from reunifying with loved ones to seeking support.

How to Support Employees During and After an Active Shooter Incident

In the aftermath of an incident, support is crucial. Be the superhero your employees need by providing clear communication during the crisis and offering ongoing emotional and psychological support afterward. Organize counseling sessions, create peer support groups, and keep the lines of communication open to ensure everyone feels safe and supported.

How Our “Active Shooter” Course Can Help You

Prepare for the Unexpected with Confidence

Our “Active Shooter” course is your essential toolkit for navigating and surviving critical incidents. Here’s why it’s a game-changer:

  • Practical Training for Real-World Situations:
    Learn crucial strategies like “Run, Hide, Fight” through realistic simulations that prepare you for any active shooter scenario.
  • Expert Guidance from Seasoned Professionals:
    Benefit from insights and tactics shared by experienced emergency response professionals, ensuring you make informed decisions under pressure.
  • Tailored to Your Environment:
    Whether you’re in an office, school, or retail setting, our course provides customized safety plans and strategies specific to your workplace.
  • Building a Culture of Safety:
    Empower your team with the knowledge and skills to contribute to a safer workplace, fostering a culture where preparedness is paramount.
  • Continuous Support and Resources:
    Receive ongoing support, resources, and follow-up sessions to reinforce learning and address any safety concerns, ensuring you stay prepared.